Hello friends,
Bleher has recently collected this fish as well (see PFK, latest issue) and labelled them Badis sp. 3. However he reveals a second location: Wanapha River, near Umkiamg, Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya District.
Thanks to Peter Cottle, Andrew Rao and others I've had this badid since 2006 and they came from Wahumiam River a tributary of the Ichamati at Shella, East Khasi Hills, Meghalaya State, near the Indo-Bangladesh border.
So this post should prevent potential misconceptions I'm glad there now are two locations known.
On a side note: now also Sven Kullander has said it's a new Badis so here we have two independent statements that both reveal it's a new Badis.
Andrew and Peter collected the fish first back in 2006 and I have them (I've written numerous papers on them, including for PFK!).
The Jaintia Hills Dario Nonn discovered in Bangladesh in 2004, and later in 2006 Peter and Andrew collected the same from the Jaintia Hills. Two locational records.
And to those who are interested; I will begin raising larger numbers of fry in November/December to have them ready for a spring/summer shipment.
I've got eggs again since yesterday so in a few days I'll transfer the fry to the rearing tank
Right now I've gott 200+ eggs and fry (from multiple females) so I'll setup a rearing tank today and raise as many as I can. Those who are interested in a spring/summer shipment please reply in this thread or send me a message or Email. More information and photos on this fish will be in the IGL magazine soon.
Hi, Stefan!
In Deutschland sagt man:
Du sollst die Haut des Bären nicht verkaufen, bevor du ihn gefangen hast, that means: don't sell the bear's skin before you have caught him.
"wir müssen uns Sisyphos als glücklichen Menschen vorstellen" A. Camus
" wir müssen uns Camus als Dummschwätzer vorstellen" Sisyphos
I completely agree! Though I don't expect raising these will any different from raising some previous of their fry, ferrarisi and other species. And I should manage to raise them some time I thought I'd offer them already so people can think about wanting some or not beforehand. Not because I'm overconfident - because I'm not
I've started freshly hatched Artemia just now, which is days earlier than I normally would but I thought it'd be fun to experiment a little and rid the Liquifry No 1 a bit sooner. And they accept BBS without any problems; how I love to see big orange bellies everywhere I'll be changing an article now I've almost finished, solely on this new Badis species, with this 'new' info.