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Sphaerichtys osphromenoides newborn.

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Beigetreten: Vor 14 Jahren
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Dear All,
Santa Klaus brought me few days ago at least a dozen of newborn of Sphaerichtys osphromenoides that I put in a "nest" hanging at the front glass.

One is larger (5 mm) and I guess originate from an other female all the others are same size, around 3 mm.

They accept naupli that I feed twice a day plus newborn dafnia for the larger fry

I am thinking to move the fry in a separate 20 lt tank in order to better control the development and provide variety of food : frozen Cyclops, Rotifer, maybe micro granulate etc

I will have Planorbis to clean up the uneaten food and will change 10% of the water every day as I already do with the Killi fish I breed.

The idea to relocate the fry is also because I don't want to pollute the adult's 60 lt tank BUT I am not sure at what age/size will be safer to move the fry.

Hope to hear from who had previous experience with this species, thanks for your time and happy holidays.

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Beigetreten: Vor 16 Jahren
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congratulations and merry christmas!
I always rise the fry this way:
the "newborn", small as yours, I keep in a quite small (about 12 x 6 x5)plastic box inside the parents aquarium, with a large window at one side for water exchange that provides a good water quality.
Small pieces of Styropor at each side keep the box swimming. This small box is best to feed them, they don´t need to look and hunt for their food.

Ich ziehe die Kleinen immer so auf: Ich setze sie in eine kleine Kunststoff-Box im Aquarium der Elterntiere, mit einem großen seitlichen Fenster zum Wasseraustausch. Das sichert eine gute Wasserqualität.
Kleine seitliche Styropor-Stücke lassen die Box schwimmen. Die kleine Box ist am besten, um die Kleinen zu füttern, so brauchen sie nicht lange zu suchen udn zu jagen.

Later I change the box to an bigger one, but similar construction. Here they grow up to two cm, and then they are big enough to be set free into their parents aqua, or an own one.
As food I use micro, Paramaecium and little moina, later they love grindal.

Später tausche ich die Box gegen eine größere, genauso konstruiert. Her wachsen sie weiter bis etwa zwei cm Größe, dann sind sie groß genug, um ins Elternbecken gesetzt zu werden oder ein eigenes.
Als Futter nutze ich Micro, Pantoffels und Moina, später lieben sie Grindal.

Grüße chris

Hope You understood, I can make some fotos if you like.

New Member
Beigetreten: Vor 14 Jahren
Beiträge: 2

Good morning Chris and happy holidays.

Many thanks for your suggestions, the fry is the nest made by Sera that have tissue walls and bottom, 2,5 Lt size, so there is already an interchange of water.

I am going to keep the fry in this "nest" until they are 1 cm and I will build a larger nest

My concern is for the small size of the parent's tank, only 60 lt, so the risk of pollution is high even if I change 10% every week.

Will update and add images soon.

Best regards

Active Member
Beigetreten: Vor 8 Jahren
Beiträge: 13

Hello! Hope that You still follow that forum. At what time you started to feed the fry...first Day? Tim
