Sorry but I can't write in German, I hope that there is no problem writing in English...
I have 6 juveniles of Ctenopoma acutirostre in a 250 l tank (120x40x50).
Water parameters are:
pH 6,8
cond. 150 microS
KH 2°
GH 5°
T 24°C
NH4, NO2, NO3, PO4 are not detectable...
The tank is well planted with Vallisneria and Bolbitis, and Lemna, Ceratophyllum, Pistia and Limnobium floating on the surface; the filter is a canister filter Askol mod. Pratiko 400.
The fishes are fed with frozen brine shrimps, white mosquito larvae, bloodworms, chopped prawns, chopped earthworms, fruit flies and mealworms.
Well, I have some pictures showing strange red spots near the gills and the pectoral fins of different specimen...what do you think about them? Are they only a strange effect of the camera flash, or a sign of a particular disease?:(
Here are the pictures:
Thank you very much!
Hy Jacopo,
thanks for posting this interesting fact.
At first the parameters and the food look very fine to me. If I watch the fish at the pictures they proof the quality of your care in shape and colour.
To be ons the spots: ;o)
I can hardly see any "spots". Do you mean the redish shades behind the eyes on some fish on the pics?
I can't really tell if my fish young and adult show these shades too. I will check at home later.
Did you make a change in your fishcare around the time these "spots" appeared?
Do your fish act different then they did before? Do they hide away or don't feed so well?
Did you enter tank mates in the period the spots appeared?
So far, Daniel.
Thank you Daniel for your reply!
Yes, maybe they're not spots, but, as you said, something like a redish shadow in the gills area.
Did you make a change in your fishcare around the time these "spots" appeared?
These 6 specimen have been in my tank since December...the pictures posted cover the whole period of about 4 months.
So I think that they arrived to me with these signs...
Do your fish act different then they did before? Do they hide away or don't feed so well?
No, they feed and behave like they've always done...not like ill fishes!
Did you enter tank mates in the period the spots appeared?
No, they've ever been alone in the tank...
Hy Jacopo,
as I had just a close look at my fish, I can see no such shades.
Could you post a picture which shows these shades quite close? As I understood you, the pictures are not all from the last week, is that right? A good picture would do best.
By the way: I would not think that these shades harm your fish, as they don't behave strangly and feed well. Just keep an eye on it, we never know
Greetings, Daniel.
Hi Jacopo,
I keep 6 adult Acutirostre.
3 out of 6 show red spots behind the gills, 3 do not.
The 3 fish which exhibit red spots have a lighter brown colour whereas the 3 which show no red spots are much darker.
Maybe this is somehow related to habitat / typus?
Anyway, I do not believe this is a diesease or harmful in any way.
Hy Robert,
is it possible that, because of the lighter colour, you just see no red coloured areas but only the gills shining through?
Is there a chance to get a picture?
I tried to take some macro-shots of these shades, but nothing, my camera isn't so good
The strange fact is that I can't see any red shade looking at them only with neon lights, but only with a light pointed directly on them...
So, I think that there are two different explanation: the red shades are a light effect, or a particular pattern of some specimen or populations, as Gregor says...looking at them I really can't say they're a sign of disease!!