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Macropodus ocellatus in Italy, finally!...

5 Beiträge
2 Benutzer
3,665 Ansichten
Marco Vaccari
New Member
Beigetreten: Vor 14 Jahren
Beiträge: 4

Hallo friends!..
...finally yesterday i found some exemplares of Macropodus ocellatus in my "next door" Acquarium shop!... i am very happy because these fishes are quite impossible to find here in Italy ( i live in the SudTiroler Alps mountains)...
..i bought 8 young fishes, they are 4 cm of lenght and can see some males and some females inside (naturally in the shop all the fishes were "white"...
Actually they are divided in two 60 liters tanks.. and i wait to put them outside in springtime (i have available ten 90liters plastic boxes that i usually use with my killifishes)...
...i hope to breed them soon because i like very much these Macropodus...
i will post some photos of them...

Gute nacht!
Marco Vaccari

ps: danke Erich! :wink:

Trusted Member
Beigetreten: Vor 20 Jahren
Beiträge: 76

Hi Marco!

Congrats to your purchase on your Macropodus and good luck breeding them!

You live in Bozen, don't you speak German as well? There are some very detailed reports on keeping (and breeding I think) M. ocellatus by Erich Willems et al. :wink: in this forum, which are written in German. Also it would simplify the communication with those who only speak German.

Looking forward to seeing pictures of your fish!

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Marco Vaccari
New Member
Beigetreten: Vor 14 Jahren
Beiträge: 4

hallo Phillip!
....thanks for your answer!... to tell the truth i live in a "dorf" between Bozen and Meran from 9 years... but i came from "Emilia Romagna" and i am not able to speack german at the moment... only to read something expecially about fishes.. :D ..
i am very thankful with Erich!.. he contacted me and rote me very important and precious informations about these beatiful Macropodus ... Erich is a very good person.. :D.... these months me and some friends of mine (who bought Macropodus spechti) want to learn something about these unusual (in Italy) Macropodus..
..unfortunately Acquaristic situation in Italy is very poor!... (.. and not only the "acquaristic situation.... :cry: :cry: )
I hope that the things will be better....

ps-- i am really sorry but i am studying how to put some photos in the forum.. is there anybody can help me?.... [/img]

Trusted Member
Beigetreten: Vor 20 Jahren
Beiträge: 76

Hi Marco!

So you were lucky and talked to one of the experts already? Then there's nothing more to say I guess.

You will find a lot of information in this forum, hopefully you will be able to read it.
If not, maybe one of the guys who speak english can help you dealing with it.

To put pictures in here you need to upload them to a photo hoster (imageshack, photobucket,...) first and then put the picture's url in between



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IGL 33

Marco Vaccari
New Member
Beigetreten: Vor 14 Jahren
Beiträge: 4

..i am trying to post some photos... :D
thanks Phillip...
[img<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script><noscript></noscript>[/img]
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the last fish i think it's a female... possible?
gute nacht!
