Hello~~~My name is Adam~~~I come from China
I am sorry,I know only a littele English
A friend introduced me this Forum
Ich hoffe, wir werden Freunde können(Online Übersetzung >。<)
Hello Adam,
where did you catch those beautiful fish?
Do you already have fries?
Are you collecting/breeding labyrinth fish or especially Macropodus?
IGL 159 Bestand: Arnoldichthys spilopterus WF; Ctenopoma acutirostre WF; Fundukopanchax gardneri; Macropodus opercularis "Quan Nam", M. erythroptherus "Dong Hoi"; Microctenopoma fasciolatum F1; Pterophyllum scalare "Belèm Sky Blue“; Trichopodus/Trichogaster leerii WF; Trichopodus/Trichogaster microlepis WF.
Hello Jan
I caught them in a river beside farmland in Zhuhai Guangdong China.
I love opercularis only~~
It accompany I grow up,When I was a child, I often collect them
My pool
They have been breeding the next generation of the pond
Some little fishes F1
that is not only great fish, but great pictures, too! And to have the possibility to have them outdoor is -for a European- absolutely enviable!
As you might have seen above: I breed them myself - with the origin of Vinh in Vietnam. In addition I have hongkongensis (luckily again, because they are quite sensible towards yeasts and bacteria and I formerly lost all of them), as well as concolor and erythroptherus (what is very close to concolor), both of them located in Vietnam.
The area you caught your fish is close to Macao, isn't it? In any case it is a very beautiful form.
Best regards,
IGL 159 Bestand: Arnoldichthys spilopterus WF; Ctenopoma acutirostre WF; Fundukopanchax gardneri; Macropodus opercularis "Quan Nam", M. erythroptherus "Dong Hoi"; Microctenopoma fasciolatum F1; Pterophyllum scalare "Belèm Sky Blue“; Trichopodus/Trichogaster leerii WF; Trichopodus/Trichogaster microlepis WF.
Hello Jan
You are right.Zhuhai is contiguous with Macao.
You really collected more varieties. I have only breed the Ery and the Blue OPERCULARIS.Later, I also give them to the others.
I concentrate on the keeping of The M.opercularis. ^_^
In Guangzhou (A big city in Guangdong China)
erythroptherus sell 10~50rmb( F3~F4~FN)
concolor sell 200+rmb (very few)
HK sell 20~30rmb
Best wishes
Hello Adam,
I am very happy to see people from China here in this newsgroup.
I hope you like this place here.
Jan is right, your opercularis is a very nice one.
If you have language problems just send me a mail in Chinese. Since I have learned Mandarin there might be a little help.
I am very much in snakeheads and I wish already for years to have contact in Mainland China to go for snakeheads there.
Could you be the one?
I would come to China!
Where do you live exactly, I guess in Guangzhou Province, don't you?
Completely excited
Zaijian, Christian
>===:{ } >=:]
IGL 103
Hello Adam,
seeing your pool one question comes to my mind: my fish are jumping - did you ever observe dead fish outside your pool?
Up to now I would not have taken the risk of an open pool.......
Best wishes,
p.s.: I am in Hongkong next week - unluckily it is only a one day business trip, hence I do not have time .......
IGL 159 Bestand: Arnoldichthys spilopterus WF; Ctenopoma acutirostre WF; Fundukopanchax gardneri; Macropodus opercularis "Quan Nam", M. erythroptherus "Dong Hoi"; Microctenopoma fasciolatum F1; Pterophyllum scalare "Belèm Sky Blue“; Trichopodus/Trichogaster leerii WF; Trichopodus/Trichogaster microlepis WF.
Hello Christian
I am in Zhuhai (A city near Macao)
Here can find Channa argus,Channa maculata and Channa asiatica
Welcome to China~~~
Zhu ni kuai le
Hello Adam,
seeing your pool one question comes to my mind: my fish are jumping - did you ever observe dead fish outside your pool?
Up to now I would not have taken the risk of an open pool.......Best wishes,
Janp.s.: I am in Hongkong next week - unluckily it is only a one day business trip, hence I do not have time .......
Hello Jan
Luckly I have no found dead fish outsid my pool.More species of aquatic plants, fish feel safe。This is the overflow tank design, the water level will not be too high。My English is poor,so there are many grammatical mistakes。Please forgive me.
best wishes