Since two weeks I've got five of these beautiful, interesting fish.
hello stefan,
from where comes the fishes accurately; palembang or jambi? the cities have a distant from over 200km. as you know I search always betta from the waserigroup, can you say me from where you got the fishs and whether that further animals has to deliver?
I was informed on the wrong location while I already printed the text on the photos. They're from Palembang. There are none left I'm afraid; all there were - not many - are long gone.
it's a shame, but okay it is so
hope you breed it after so i can get someone from you.
by the have a map from the area around kota kinabalu (sabah) in is drawn places to find betta from the group arkarensis ccp anabatoides?
at the beginning of next year i travel to this location and need all information about "bettaplaces" which I can get.
Yes, I'm sorry but those were all. One-in-a-lifetime-import it was and I had to grab the oppertunity quickly. I hope to breed them succesfully; they've already paired up and do some fake spawnings.
I don't have such map; contact Michael Lo from Borneo; he might be able to help you out.
hello stefan,
I searched intensively again and was noticeable to me, all well-known location of b.chloropharynx are on the island bangka?! does it concern now around an incorrect information or a new location?
A 'new' location (was already known to a handful).
One of the young, photographed today
how mutch youngfishes you get?
Originially >113 and now there's about 70 % left them. If all goes well I plan to bring them with me to the IGL and put them up for sale.
that sounds promising stefan
Let's hope it'll be just that
Will you be at IGL in May Sebastian?
hi stefan,
i don´t know, but i hope.
the problem is, i live in hamburg an the next meeting is in rheinfelden, 850km i belive. also i´m in borneo few days before and need some time for rehabilitation and for the fishes. the answer to yours asks is, i don´t know it at the moment.
Well, hope to see you there then! What are you after in Borneo?