Internationale Gemeinschaft für Labyrinthfische e.V.

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Nachzucht B. breviobesus

1 Beiträge
1 Benutzer
1,980 Ansichten
Estimable Member
Beigetreten: Vor 20 Jahren
Beiträge: 201

Ich hoffe dass es kein Problem ist wenn ich meistens auf English schreibe. Ich kann Deutsch lesen/verstehen, aber schreiben sehr schwierig - sorry. Sie können auf Deutsch antworten wenn Sie wollen!


With the help of a friend I got a pair of B. breviobesus, bred by Horst Linke (the fish have been bought during the last IGL meeting). The pair spawned July 2, that is now a little over 11 weeks ago.
The largest young measure circa 4 cm TL already, they grow fast! Here are 2 pictures of the young (in total, there are between 40 and 45 young from this spawning):

As you can see, their colors are very nice (for the species). I should add here though, that their colors are stressed by the light tube I use above their tank (a type of light that makes the colors, esp. blue, stand out more). I hope you like them!

Kind regards,
