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Offene Paro-Fotogalerie

252 Beiträge
27 Benutzer
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Beigetreten: Vor 19 Jahren
Beiträge: 343

Sehr schöne Bilder Anja! O- Wie machst du das ich bekomme immer nur Zweitklassige hin.


Gruß Bennie

Ich liebe Tiere :)

IGL: 207

Reputable Member
Beigetreten: Vor 23 Jahren
Beiträge: 462

hmmm ich nehme meine Kamera.. setz mich vors Aqua und knipse ...
eigentlich auch eher zweitklassig ;)
Ohne Stativ, besondere Beleuchtung etc. ... freestyle halt

@Liebe Grüße!!@

Mitglied in der Seerose Frechen

Reputable Member
Beigetreten: Vor 19 Jahren
Beiträge: 442

Der erste Jungfisch den ich geschafft habe zu fotografieren - die Jungtiere waren quasi nicht auffindbar...

Die Elterntiere bei der Balz - auch hier nahezu unmöglich zu fotografieren.
Bemerkenswert waren die letzten Laichplätze: direkt im dichtesten Wurzelgeflecht, in einer kleinen Ausbuchtung. Die Wurzeln stehen so dicht, dass diverse Schaumblasen nicht aufsteigen konnten.

Jedenfalls waren das die letzten Bilder bei mir, da alle Tiere, inkl. der Nachzuchten, aus ungeklärten Umständen verstorben sind. Vielleicht war die beginnende Erkrankung des Weibchens die Ursache, die zum Zeitpunkt des Fotos wieder (soweit beurteilbar) völlig genesen war. Nur ein weißlicher Fleck, links oberhalb des Auges erinnert an die "Verpilzung" (s.dort: ... 7351#17351 )

Liebe Grüße,


Flüsse voller Leben Rettet den Regenwald

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Beigetreten: Vor 19 Jahren
Beiträge: 65

My latest aquisition; from Pasir Puteh, Kelantan.


Zahar AZ

Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 21 Jahren
Beiträge: 1349

Very interesting fish, Zahar! There seems to be a black spot at the side of the body. The dorsal fin is long, the ventrals too. The colours seem somewhat reduced. I see some similarities with our paludicola. But it's from Kelantan and shows that side spot that we nearly never have seen! A "missing link"? Please put further pictures here if you have some. How did you receive that fish?

Peter Finke, Bielefeld

Honorable Member
Beigetreten: Vor 20 Jahren
Beiträge: 693

Pasir Putih is in Kelantan nearby the known location we had found paludicola. It`s the black spotted paludicola (we talked about last weekend). Zahar, did you catch them yourself?
And the bintan Type, you suppose they are opallios, do they show more colours?

Martin Hallmann

Trusted Member
Beigetreten: Vor 19 Jahren
Beiträge: 65

Thanks. No question about the ID (P paludicola) although not much of colour. Those fishes were caught in Pasir Puteh in a stream with lots of Cryptocoryne cordata var cordata. easiest to catch by scooping under the crypt leaves.

As for that mysterious fish, he hasn't really coloured up. But there's a faint red colour band on the fin with ptterns similar to the bintan group. My suspicioun of the ID is based on the black area on the pelvic fin.


Zahar AZ

Trusted Member
Beigetreten: Vor 19 Jahren
Beiträge: 65

Got these beauties last weekend. They are from Paka (Terengganu) which roughly 1/2 hour drive south of Merchang. I blieve this is the southern-most distribution of P paludicola. See how red the fins are!! This is because of the different biotope (darker and more acidic water).


Zahar AZ

Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 21 Jahren
Beiträge: 1349

Typical paludicola, just as I like them! We have very similar fish in stock, and I don't understand why some people think they are dull coloured. They are not, but certainly they don't have those sparkling zones in the unpaired fins that are typical for most other Parosphromenus-males.
It's interesting to learn that they stay beneath those big crypt's leaves; you say it's cordata. They don't have these in my tanks, but perhaps I should give them something similar.

Peter Finke, Bielefeld

Trusted Member
Beigetreten: Vor 19 Jahren
Beiträge: 65

Crypt cordata in widely distributed on the east coast of Malay Peninsular. In fact in the Paka biotope, there are some clumps of this crypt (but not as much as the one in Pasir Puteh). Further south near Gambang, Kuantan we collected P nagyi, again, hiding between the leaves of C. cordata.


Zahar AZ

Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 21 Jahren
Beiträge: 1349

Zahar, both males of your paludicola-pictures show faint black spots at their bodysides. Our paludicolanearly never have those blotches.
Do all of your males have them at every moment, and what about the females? I know that the spots are described in the original description, and so we are a bit surprised that they are missing in our paludicola.

Peter Finke, Bielefeld

Trusted Member
Beigetreten: Vor 19 Jahren
Beiträge: 65

As far as I can see, all fishes (got 5 peices now) from these 2 localities have lateral spot in both sexes. But I wonder where did your fishes came from? Could it be that the population from that partcular habitat doesn't have this marking.


Zahar AZ

Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 21 Jahren
Beiträge: 1349

Unfortunately, there is no exact locality given with our fish. People say they are from Kuala Brang or from Terengganu. That's not precise enough, I am afraid.

Peter Finke, Bielefeld

Trusted Member
Beigetreten: Vor 19 Jahren
Beiträge: 65

Another new aquisition. This came through a local shop and said to be Paros "Blue-line". Where's the origin? I don't know but the shipment came from Pontianak and together with P opallios (from Sukamara).


Zahar AZ

Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 21 Jahren
Beiträge: 1349

Zahar, the exact locality and determination of the fish called "blue line" is uncertain. From the biggest import company in Germany we have heard that fish traded as "blue line" were from Sumatra (Indonesia), Jambi province, Sungai Tunkal river-system. But: We have seen different fish called like this. It is not clear whether all "blue line"-Paros come from this locality. It was remarkable that during the years 2004 till 2007 so-called "blue lines" were sold on the European market in great numbers.
The fish on your photograph seems to be a very beautiful male with rather short ventrals. I have also seen "blue lines" (?) with long ventrals. No question that it belongs to the bintan-group. Horst Linke imported four new varieties of bintan-like Paros from Sumatra, Jambi region, this year. Obviously, we don't know those habitats very well up to now.

Peter Finke, Bielefeld

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