Paros sp "Batang Kayan".
... or is it P allani?
Zahar AZ
Hi Zahar, in my opinnion it`s a allani-type. I don`t know where Batang Kayan is. Is it in Sarawak? We know P. allani from Sibu and two little different forms from Sungai Stunggang/ Lundu area. Did you catch it yourself? I think in Parosphromenus it`s very difficult to decide which one is a new species and which one is a sort of colourform (subspecies). For me the Paro is very near to allani.
Martin Hallmann
The fishes came from a friend in Sarawak. Batang Kayan is a river near Lundu town, at the western part of Sarawak (you xcan check this out : ). I was told there are fishes from Sematan and also Lundu which look the same (or very similar) to the ones from Batang Kayan.
Do you have the photo of the fishes from Lundu?
Zahar AZ
Dear Zahar, nice to meet you again in the Form! I read this here in the Netherlands whre I am visiting the new proesident of The IGL, Auke de Jong.
Yes, the fish you show to us is P. spec. Batang Kayan. I know this for the following reason.
Three dayz ago I erceived a small parcel from Horst Linke, including a "special ëdition" of the new pictures and maps of the Parospromenus species that hewill include in the new edition of his book which he is preparing. Among that pictures is one called "Parosphromenus spec. von Batang Kayan" which is printed bz permission of Michael Lo as photographer. It show exactlz the fish you are showing to us in two wonderful pictures!
Besides, the map given bz Linke shows that the place of origin of that fish is southwest of Kuching in Sarawak.
After having received that booklet from him I phoned Horst Linke and said: "Nice work indeed, but remember of spec. Sunggai Stunggang! That is missing in your collection! And phoe Alfred Waser: he was there some months ago and brought seven Sungai Stunggang to Europe. Or ask Allan Brown."
Linke replied: That is the same fish, that Batang Kayan.
Well, is that all? I don"t think so. Guenther Kopic once had a fish of an allani-type that clearlz looked verzy diffenrent (look his homepage www. The onlz thing thta is clear is that your fish is from Sarawak and it is near to allani, as Martin already said.
Peter Finke, Bielefeld
No. I don`t have. But I found one by internet. Give in Parosphromenus Lundu. Best wishes, Martin
Günter calls this fish which he presents under the name of "allani": "Parosphromenus cf. allani Fischer 1997". He unterlines that the fish is not identical with the usual allani. He found it among other Paros-species in the tank of a German import-company in 1997. Fischer is the name of the seller in Germany, not - as one could think of -a scientific describer.
Obviously it is clearly different from allani, but certainly equally different from spec. Batang Kayan. As it appears from the Lundu-pages that Zahar has given, the P. spec. Sungai Stunggang that I mentioned seems to be identical with that Batang Kayan-fish.
Peter Finke, Bielefeld
In a fish-store in the south of Netherlands i found this species:
Have anybody a idea what species this is? I know that the picture is not very good, but the best i have at the moment. I have buy all 6 that hey have, but have no idea how many males/females i have. That will be a fact of time.
Geert, your fish on that photograph resembles to a certain extent the so-called "P. sintangensis" which Martin found in the tanks of a German import company. He gave me three fish, as it seems all females. The name is said to be given by Patrick Yap; probably it is not valid.
Martin what do you say?
Peter Finke, Bielefeld
Hi Geert, hi Peter,
sintangensis (it`s a trade name!) was my fist idea too. But we cannot see enough.
Geert, could you try to take a picture at night. After some hours sleeping, they often show a lot of colours and their fin-patterns.
Martin Hallmann
Thanks Peter and Martin,
I think i have males and females. From the 6 I buy 1 was ill, and died yesterday evening. Because i don't have alcohol, i freeze him. Will this fish helps to identifies? I believe it's a male.
I go try to make a picture at night. But the tank is well planted, so that makes it difficult.
Nochmal was ganz anderes: Hat jemand ein Bild von den rubrimontis?
Ich wüede gerne mal wisse wie die aussehen, weil ich mir unter diesem Paro nichts vorstellen kann.
Vielen Dank!
Gruß Bennie
Ich liebe Tiere
IGL: 207
Aber Bennie! Noch nicht bemerkt, dass es hier im Paro-Forum eine Artenliste gibt und ein Klick auf einen Namen Bilder produziert??
Von rubrimontis ist es erst eines, aber immerhin!
Peter Finke, Bielefeld
Ach ja daran hatte ich garnicht gedacht.
Als ich das letzte mal reigeschau habe waren sie noch nicht da ist aber auch schon ewig her
Gruß Bennie
Ich liebe Tiere
IGL: 207
Will this fish helps to identifies? I believe it's a male.
I go try to make a picture at night. But the tank is well planted, so that makes it difficult.
Geert, did you manage to retain the dead fish? It coud be valuable for genetic analysis. And what about the phrotograph that you wanted at night? It coud help us to say whether they are indeed P. "sintangensis" or not.
Peter Finke, Bielefeld
Peter, I have the dead fish still in the freezer.
And about the picture at night: I looked several nights, but never see a single fish. That makes it very difficult to take a picture. But i have redecorate the tank and i hope that will help.