Das macht doch sehr viel Freude!. Erst am Montagmorgen 00.30 Uhr haben die das neue Becken entdecken dürfen. Jetzt haben die tussyae "Kuantan" schon eine Filmdose mit Eier. Also, Glück ist auch .. laichende Fische
Hi Auke
Herzlichen Glückwunsch. Daumendrücken, dass es mit Nachwuchs klappt!
Grüsse Regula
p.s. Auch meine frisch erworbenen Bettas (simplex und brownorum) sind sich schon am fortpflanzen!
Congrats Auke! I've got some ethanol waiting hehehehehe! lol It must be spawning season; everyone's got spawning fish! So far only simorum eggs here but it seems like rutilans is pairing up....
Anyway; do you have some photos to illustrate your post?
Anyway; do you have some photos to illustrate your post?
No, I dont, My photographic-skills are very poor.
Heute Abend habe ich die tanzende Larven entdeckt.
Well done! Are they free swimming now?
I handed preserved samples of my Chukai tussyae to scientists and I'm curious if they are genetically different from the Kuantan strain or not - because they look so different superficially. Shall I post a photo? Then perhaps someone can post one of the Kuantan strain (my old photos of that strain are not very good )
😀 Well done! Are they free swimming now?
I handed preserved samples of my Chukai tussyae to scientists and I'm curious if they are genetically different from the Kuantan strain or not - because they look so different superficially. Shall I post a photo? Then perhaps someone can post one of the Kuantan strain (my old photos of that strain are not very good )
No, they're not free swimming but still dancing underneath the bubble-nest. The male made an extra nest at the back of the tank in addition to the one at the front of the tank. Both nests inhabite some fry.
And yes, please post a photo. I will try to do the same.
Two inhabited nests; that's interesting....so he swims back and forth?
I'll upload new photos to my FTP; they all went lost a while ago, I don't think they're in my own thread anymore?
Two inhabited nests; that's interesting....so he swims back and forth?
Ich habe derzeit bei meinen B.persephone ein Gelege, dass auf drei Schaumnester aufgeteilt ist: zwei mit vielleicht 5cm Abstand zueinander knapp oberhalb eines Seemandelbaumblattes und unter dem Blatt in ca. 10cm Entfernung ein drittes.
Ganz interessant! Allen mit Jungfische?
As promised; my tussyae male from Chukai; Terengganu. Different looking from the Kuantan's aren't they?
indeed they are. Are you sure about them being tussyae? Where did the white streaks go?
Never had any white streaks! They reminded me of Linke's tussyae from his book
For the other question, go here: http://www.igl-home.de/forum/phpBB2/vie ... php?t=1718
For now they indeed have the name 'tussyae' but perhaps they are genetically different - or not course. I'm very curious what comes out
Two inhabited nests; that's interesting....so he swims back and forth?
Ich habe derzeit bei meinen B.persephone ein Gelege, dass auf drei Schaumnester aufgeteilt ist: zwei mit vielleicht 5cm Abstand zueinander knapp oberhalb eines Seemandelbaumblattes und unter dem Blatt in ca. 10cm Entfernung ein drittes.
Ich denke das es einfach sehr kluge Fische sind die das risiko der zerstörung über mehrere nesten verteilen.
Hi Auke,
That must be it. In my experience they usually do strange things when they feel there is a threat - even if we people have no idea what that is. Can you think of something, a reason?
Hi Auke,
That must be it. In my experience they usually do strange things when they feel there is a threat - even if we people have no idea what that is. Can you think of something, a reason?
Hi Stefan,
This could be tested by having two set-ups: One without a curious fish-keeper and one with. The first one should be in a completely undisturbed environment. But, how would you know what happens there? Well, a web-cam might help out. But, then again, the answer is very obvious to my opinion .. moving nestst a result of, as you mentioned .. disturbance.