Hallo zusammen,
aus aktuellem Anlass (400 stewartii & asiatica in Schweizer Becken) folgende Info aus einem Fachartikel zur Besatzdichte bei Channa:
"The second experiment was carried out with 4-5 days old larvae in 9 bowls of 10l capacity divided into three treatments having 20, 40 and 60 larvae each i.e. the stocking density were of 2, 4 and 6 larvae/l respectively. Larvae of treatment I which was stocked with 2 larvae/l showed significantly higher growth rate from the 7th day of the experiment and maintained the same trend up to the end of the experiment (i.e. 21st day) compared to other treatments. Larvae of treatment I also showed significantly higher health condition (13.31±0.69mg/mm) and survival rate (80.00±3.00) compared to those of the other two."
Source: J. Bangladesh Agril. Univ. 7(2): 427–432, 2009 ISSN 1810-3030
Effects of stocking density on the growth and breeding performance of broodfish and larval growth and survival of shol, Channa striatus (Bloch)
M. F. A. Mollah, M. S. A. Mamun, M. N. Sarowar and A. Roy
Gruss, chk
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IGL 103
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