Hi everybody!
I'm Roberto, a betta breeder from Italy and president of Italian Betta Association.
Im sorry to write in english but i don't speak German. Im reading on this awesome forum by translating it with google translator
I breed show bettas and had first experience with mouth brooder this year breeding Betta simplex, now i own also B. channoides and B. burdigala.
I'm searching B. macrostoma but for this ill write in the right section.
Greetings from Italy!
Ciao Roberto,
benvenuto qui nel IGL e divertirsi. Sono curioso sulla tua idea betta
Hallo Roberto,
herzlich willkommen hier bei der IGL und viel Spass. Ich bin schon gespannt auf deine betta Vorstellung
LG Thomas
IGL Nr. 341
Channa aurantimaculata
Channa pulchra
Channa sp. assam / lal cheng
Channa sp. red fin
Channa sp. ice and fire
Channa orientalis Kottawa forest A
Channa punctata
Channa bleheri
Channa ornatipinnis
Channa stewarti "Aqua Global"
Die Würde der Tiere ist unantastbar. Sie zu achten und zu schützen ist Verpflichtung aller staatlichen Gewalt und Menschheit.
© Natunika, (*1973), Musikerin, Malerin und Autorin
Thanks so much Thomas!
Ciao Roberto,
io no parlo italiano.
Welcome here!!! As nothern neighbor I hope we will extend our contact.
I checked the IGL DB whether there are macrostoma around. There are several.
Please put a request in "Gesuche" (== looking for section) and ask there. People who have fishes to give away would go there.
Regards, chk
>===:{ } >=:]
IGL 103
Hi chk!
thanks a lot for your warm welcome and informations!
I've posted in "Gesuche", thanks