Internationale Gemeinschaft für Labyrinthfische e.V.

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New Member
Beigetreten: Sep. 13, 2006
Themen: 0 / Antworten: 4
RE: Channa gachua male or female ?

I have no car :'( A friend of mine goes to Iserlohn but I'm not sure he want to bring me the Channas ^^ He lives in Mutzig (Notho). Wait and see

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: Channa gachua male or female ?

Two times I lost one fish of a pair, one time the male, the other time the female. Both times I tried find an opposite of them, and got new pairs. It ...

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: Channa gachua male or female ?

Hello............ Where do you come from??? It is allways nice to have some of another country on board!!! Thank you for visiting!! But if you are ...

Vor 18 Jahren