Internationale Gemeinschaft für Labyrinthfische e.V.

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Active Member
Beigetreten: Feb. 18, 2007
Themen: 0 / Antworten: 10
Re: Nankings laichen

Felix, that's a really scary movie- fry death toll could be quite high. A proper name could be "The Revenge of the Cyclops"... Good material...

Vor 11 Jahren
Re: Nankings laichen

Thank you, Felix! Well, that may explain some sudden decrease in fry numbers- after eclosion- while I was quite satisfied with the egg numbers... Fro...

Vor 11 Jahren
Re: Nankings laichen

Das Becken ist "alteingerichtet", d.h. mit fädigen Grünalgen an den Scheiben und einer (durch die häufige Tümpelfuttergabe) artenreichen Mik...

Vor 11 Jahren
Replies: 0
Views: 1712
M. ocellatus- crazy distribution for a Belontiid!!

Hi all! I didn't want to open a new topic, so the one already consisting in the name of the fish will do. I want to signal a new record of M. ocellat...

Vor 12 Jahren
Re: Harte Makropoden suchen

Yes Erich, I am that one and only one . No, it is far from being about you my sad complaint, we just lose contact for a while. In fact, it was abou...

Vor 12 Jahren
Re: Sandelia capensis

I was very surprised to see them at Hermann, 8 Euros:

Vor 12 Jahren
Harte Makropoden suchen

Hallo again! I managed few years ago to get a few fish- more likely the "Yangzi"- form (thanks, Charly D. and Laura M.S.!). A single pair s...

Vor 12 Jahren
RE: Harte Makropoden suchen

Hi, Thomas! Thank you for answer! I read about those later forms and the "old aquarium strain". I can wait to read your articles about the...

Vor 18 Jahren
Replies: 5
Views: 5048