Internationale Gemeinschaft für Labyrinthfische e.V.

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Active Member
Beigetreten: Mai 19, 2011
Themen: 0 / Antworten: 8
RE: Betta ocellata ... Betta Pallifina ????

Hello there, Thank you for all these enriching exchanges. I forgot to give you important information ... the male does not exceed 7 cm in length...

Vor 13 Jahren
RE: Betta Foerschi, Mandor et Strohi

Stephan, For information, Today, in trade, we find these fishes. The way to differentiate them is the following : Betta Strohi : Double bare ...

Vor 13 Jahren
RE: Betta Foerschi, Mandor et Strohi

Thank you for these informations. I knew this theoretical description but it is not easy to observe when the fish is alive. We can see when the fis...

Vor 13 Jahren
RE: Betta Foerschi, Mandor et Strohi

Hello, I keep the fish: Betta foerschi with fishing place "Pangkalanbun" Betta mandor with fishing place "Mandor" Betta...

Vor 13 Jahren
RE: Betta Foerschi, Mandor et Strohi

Thank you, but I followed the advice. I opened the topic on the Maulbrütende Kampffische.

Vor 13 Jahren
Replies: 8
Views: 3159
Replies: 3
Views: 5224