One pair have there a "room" alone, and the man have only a agresive interest for the female. The other are in company whit 7 P. filamentosus, and the...
Geert hat (anzunehmenderweise) solche von Ruinemans und wir solche von aquafish. Yes, the P. ornaticauda that i have are from Ruinemans. When i have ...
Hi Anja, I have also P. linkei since last igl-meeting. My are shy, but when i feed them they will come to the front. At monday i haven't feed them, a...
That is from "the Key to the genus of Parosphromenus", by Kottelat and Ng. This is a interesting story, they wrote 2 things that are not can together.
One of my many males of P. ornaticauda: I have 3 males in full-color. That are also the biggest males.
Yes, i will be there from friday evening till sunday morning
Thanks Martin. I was thinking that already, but the picture from Horst Linke confuse me. Sometimes books and internet say different thinks, and that i...
A very good service, Geert! Later, we should include that key in German translation into this Forum, too (if there is no rights problem?). I'm happy ...
At the Dutch site everyone can find the "key to the species of Parosphromenus", by M. Kottelat and Peter Ng:
In The aqualog is at page 79 a picture from a female ornaticauda, the picture is from Horst Linke. But that female show bleu margins. Is that realy a ...
Hi Peter, I can't go to that shop again and buy more, because i buy al the 20 they have. The owner of the shop wasn't there and the boy who sell the f...
Hi Geert, if you like to give some away, you should know how much females and males you got. Not beeing coloured, it`s not easy to see the differences...
Tanks al for your reply. Indeed, they are skinny, but they eat daphnia and cyclops. Skinny fish are not rarely in the dutch local fish store. But i th...
And some picture from what i have from a local fish store: In the store it was told to me that this is P. ornaticauda, and when i see the...
Nice picture Geert! To me this baby looks very young, younger than 6 days free-swimming. But I'm not sure; 6 days is not much older than 1 day... Th...