Internationale Gemeinschaft für Labyrinthfische e.V.

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Honorable Member
Beigetreten: März 12, 2005
Themen: 0 / Antworten: 592
RE: "Neuer" Badis

Still no pics of having them examined? Forgot all about this one haha!

Vor 13 Jahren
RE: Name für Badis sp. "Buxar"

The pics are of preserved animals. Likewise!

Vor 13 Jahren
RE: Name für Badis sp. "Buxar"

It's not sure at all that this is Buxar, so be careful when drawing conclusions haha. I'm trying to find out.

Vor 13 Jahren
RE: Betta miniopinna - findet man Abnehmer?

Stefan, do some mathematics and you'll come to the conclusion it should be the F4 (max. F5 )!!! By the way, was I reading correctly, YOU have perseph...

Vor 14 Jahren
RE: Betta miniopinna - findet man Abnehmer?

Wonderful, so my English friend have generation...?

Vor 14 Jahren
RE: Kleine rote, welche ich nicht 100%ig bestimmen kann

I think it's coccina. As for the lacking lateral spot; older animals lose the spot and usually trade it for a green flank. I suspect they are from coc...

Vor 14 Jahren
RE: foerschi - coccina Gruppen

I, too, believe the two groups are relatively close to one another, however Tan & Ng (2005a/b) speak of the foerschi group being close to the sple...

Vor 14 Jahren
RE: Betta ocellata ... Betta Pallifina ????

It's not a new species awaiting description beforehand; rather it's material awaiting examination, which will determine what its status is. Instea...

Vor 14 Jahren
RE: Betta ocellata ... Betta Pallifina ????

Ah I get it now. Yeah that makes sense for them to have named it compuncta in the past. I do know that compuncta's type locality is extremely difficul...

Vor 14 Jahren
RE: Betta ocellata ... Betta Pallifina ????

I can't find Melak mentioned in the compuncta description Henning?

Vor 14 Jahren
RE: Betta Foerschi, Mandor et Strohi

Stephan, The way to differentiate them is the following : Betta Strohi : Double bare opercle gold for the male and female. Betta Foerschi : Double b...

Vor 14 Jahren
RE: Betta ocellata ... Betta Pallifina ????

It's neither. I too have had this or a similar fish labeled 'compuncta' but it was most definitely not. Both mine and those linked here, if not the sa...

Vor 14 Jahren
RE: Betta Foerschi, Mandor et Strohi

Dale, You've hit the nail on the head; that's the problem when, generally speaking and in my opinion, populations of a species taxon are raised to ...

Vor 14 Jahren
RE: Betta Foerschi, Mandor et Strohi

From the original descriptions and published notes by ichthyologists: mandor: Diagnosis. Betta mandor is unique in the Betta foerschi group in h...

Vor 14 Jahren
RE: Betta Foerschi, Mandor et Strohi

The answer will vary, depending on who you'd ask. I strongly suspect they are all populations of the taxon foerschi. However that doesn't asnwer your ...

Vor 14 Jahren
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