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Parosphromenus 'sintangensis'?

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Beigetreten: Vor 14 Jahren
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Hi all,

I have been doing lots of reading on the forum with the help of google translate, and have now signed up.

I was hoping someone might be able to confirm the correct identification for these Paros - they were imported into the UK as 'sintangensis' but I'm unsure of the validity of that name.

I have six of them live alongside 7 Bororas maculatus, 4 Otocinclus affinis and lots of cherry shrimp in a self-sustaining 240l open topped aquarium.

More pictures, for fun!

Honorable Member
Beigetreten: Vor 20 Jahren
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Hi Tom,

Parosphromenus "sintangensis" is no discribed species. In Germany they could be often found in trade for the last 5 years, cause they are exported in lange quantities from a indonesian dealer. It´s very near to P. bintan. We call this form as a local form of P. cf. bintan "Sentang". Sentang is in Indonesia (Sumatra). Horst Linke has been there and could find/ catch them.

So, you have nice fish. And they seem to like your aquaria (don`t let them jump out!)

Martin Hallmann

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Beigetreten: Vor 14 Jahren
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Thanks very much Martin, I will amend my description of them in future.

Yes, they seem happy so far in my tank, no jumpers yet!

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I never have a paros jumping out of my tanks when Bettas and killies do it often unhappylly

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I got myself a new toy last weekend (Panasonic GH2), and decided to point it at the tank whilst figuring out what all the buttons did. As a crash course in videography it actually made a very useful subject.

The footage is pretty rough because it's so dimly lit that i had to shoot at about 10fps and interpolate the extra frames, but I know some people have been asking for a video of the tank and inhabitants, so here you go!

Welcome to the premiere of my debut film, "Parosphromenus: A love story (in 2 parts)" :lol:

Trusted Member
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:bounce: I love that tank in the livingroom,it`s very beautiful and those Paros look very colourful :D Hope you`ll get some offspring of them :wink:

Eminent Member
Beigetreten: Vor 19 Jahren
Beiträge: 49

Truely amazing tank! Thank you very much for sharing these pictures.

Many greetings,

Joep - The international Betta forum - The Holland Betta Show

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Beigetreten: Vor 12 Jahren
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Subscribed to this forum just to post on your thread!
Wow! Truely in love with your tank.What a dream to have a piece of Mother Nature right in the living room!
Can you share your knowledge on setting up this self-sustained system, please? How far is it self-sustained? No artificial lighting, no filter, no heater, no feeding, no water change: just as a natural pond?
