Hi all,
I have been doing lots of reading on the forum with the help of google translate, and have now signed up.
I was hoping someone might be able to confirm the correct identification for these Paros - they were imported into the UK as 'sintangensis' but I'm unsure of the validity of that name.
I have six of them live alongside 7 Bororas maculatus, 4 Otocinclus affinis and lots of cherry shrimp in a self-sustaining 240l open topped aquarium.
More pictures, for fun!
Hi Tom,
Parosphromenus "sintangensis" is no discribed species. In Germany they could be often found in trade for the last 5 years, cause they are exported in lange quantities from a indonesian dealer. It´s very near to P. bintan. We call this form as a local form of P. cf. bintan "Sentang". Sentang is in Indonesia (Sumatra). Horst Linke has been there and could find/ catch them.
So, you have nice fish. And they seem to like your aquaria (don`t let them jump out!)
Martin Hallmann
Thanks very much Martin, I will amend my description of them in future.
Yes, they seem happy so far in my tank, no jumpers yet!
I never have a paros jumping out of my tanks when Bettas and killies do it often unhappylly
I got myself a new toy last weekend (Panasonic GH2), and decided to point it at the tank whilst figuring out what all the buttons did. As a crash course in videography it actually made a very useful subject.
The footage is pretty rough because it's so dimly lit that i had to shoot at about 10fps and interpolate the extra frames, but I know some people have been asking for a video of the tank and inhabitants, so here you go!
Welcome to the premiere of my debut film, "Parosphromenus: A love story (in 2 parts)"
I love that tank in the livingroom,it`s very beautiful and those Paros look very colourful
Hope you`ll get some offspring of them
Truely amazing tank! Thank you very much for sharing these pictures.
Many greetings,
Subscribed to this forum just to post on your thread!
Wow! Truely in love with your tank.What a dream to have a piece of Mother Nature right in the living room!
Can you share your knowledge on setting up this self-sustained system, please? How far is it self-sustained? No artificial lighting, no filter, no heater, no feeding, no water change: just as a natural pond?