I have two C. weeksii that I have to keep separate due to one bullying the other. I cannot tell which sex these two are. Can someone offer insight into how to sex weeksii C. And should I continue to keep them separate or put them together and let them work out their differnce on their own?
Ed in Kerrville, Texas USA
Hello Ed,
this what David Armitage (GB) answered to your question:
1. Are you sure they are weeksi ? They are not normally very aggresive. If there is no black border to the anal and dorsal and they look a bit thin and mean they could be maculatum which can be very aggressive and grows much larger.
2.But if they are oxyrhynchum/weeksi- the spines behind the males eye are usually quite easy to see and females are often bigger and fatter. I have kept 2 same sex couples together in quite small spaces without a fatality.
Does this help you?
Yes, this is very helpful. Thank you.