i've fry with this species, if someone known some information abourt, t take it..
it's a ittle species 10 cm, they seem like orientalis, i breed them at 26°
can anyone help here?
small gachua, maybe from Inle lake ?
asiatica/bleheri/limbata "TH3/02"/ cf. gachua "Glaser harcourtbutleri"/lucius/orientalis "Kottawa Forrest A"/orientalis "Bentota Ganga"/stewartii "sp. himalaya"/stewartii "Aqua Global"/ stewartii "sp. ?"/ sp. "Assam" lal cheng/pulchra/sp."Redfin"/Parachanna obscura
IGL 023
Brucki, look at the topic, I don't think there is a Lake Inle in Sri Lanka.
I don't have many Informations about C. gachua from Sri Lanka. You can read something here:
Pascal Antler catched some in a very dirty habitat with soap and other dishes called C. gachua "Seifenlauge".
Then I remembered to read something about "royak blue" but it was you posting it.
In the 90th of the last century Dr. Ettrich publicated in the DATZ (german Magazin) something about C. gachua from Sri Lanka if I remember correctly. It was named C. orientalis but he wrote about two variants having and lacking ventrals. We remember, that formerly most authors thought that C. gachua had to be a synonyme of C. orientalis. I can search for it and send you a scan or translate some parts of it.
Best regards
thank you very much
You can also look at this site under snakeheads
It`s an American site and almost all the snakeheads are on them
Yes that`s it !! I forgot the keepers