leider gab es heute keine B.pi mehr.
Dafür 3 andere Betta Arten.
Zunächst B. pugnax - ca. 10 Tiere - 7EUR pro Stück:
Zwei weitere Arten, eine davon als B.falx die andere als B. cracens (wobei ich mir da jetzt nicht sicher bin, kann auch anders gelautet haben) ausgezeichnet. Jeweils leider nur 1 Tier vorhanden. Fragt mich jetzt aber nicht welcher welcher auf dem Foto ist...
Viele Grüße
IGL 125
What a shame! There's no cracens in your photos, I do think raja.
Hello Stefan,
it was a little bit disappointing. 5 or 6 days ago Betta pi was available.
I don't remember that B. raja was prized, but I'll trust you.
B. foerschi was also not avaible,but prized - 29EUR each.
What a pitty, because I'm searching for B. foerschi at the moment.
I asked an employee for a stocklist, but he told me that they obtain their Bettas from private breeder. This was a little bit astonishing for me...
Best regards
IGL 125
Hi Marc,
I can fully understand the disappointment! But if you're looking for pi, well, I know tons being in Denmark....
I think the second photo shows raja, but I certainly see no cracens in one of the photos (I have a photo of them somewhere in this forum; check and you'll see what I mean).
For foerschi, I think you're best off with finding someone here, probably saves you a few Euro as well!
Hi Stefan,
i didn't went to Duisburg to buy some Betta pi, but i was curious to see them. Nevertheless the trip to Zajac was very nice! A very big Shop with a lot of nice fishes and other animals. My favourite was a skunk.
I believe in you that the pictures do not show B. cracens, but I think it was prized - perhaps a mistake.
It seems to be difficult to find B. foerschi near (within a radius of 50-100 km) my hometown. I know one person nearby keeping this fish, bit I didn't contact him yet.
Best regards
PS: If you are interrested in Betta pi: they were offered by a Shop in Bergisch Gladbach some weeks ago - size: 9cm, prize: 23,90EUR
IGL 125
It probably was an unindented mistake; they are new fish and hard to label sometimes; so if one says it's this then others usually follow that label. A lof of fake cracens turn up on the market in Europe these days.
No need for pi here....I'm getting something else, something related, something I'm wanting for years and planned for months.... But thanks all the same!
ich hab es endlich geschaft die Bilder von meinen Betta pi ins Netz zu laden.
Und hier sind sie nun:
und dieses:
oben rechts sieht man (relativ) schön das pi-zeichen unter dem Maul.
Viel spass beim gucken.
IGL 060
"Wir sind uns selbst noch immer ein Rätsel und entfernen uns immer weiter vom Paradies, wenn wir vergessen, welche Bedeutung die Natur für uns hat." E.O.Wilson
ich danke euch allen für euer antworten, infos und bilder zu den fischen.
ich finde u. a. die augen der tiere wunderschön und auch das "pi"-zeichen. super!
@ marcus aus B: tolle bilder. ist das kleine fischerl mit dem längsstreifen (jeweils links oben in den bildern) ein jungfisch????
lg melanie
IGL 176
hallo marcus
wow, wirklich tolle fische, diese betta pi (will auch...)!
Hallo melanie,
ja, die kleinen fischerl sind die Jungtiere.
lg marcus
IGL 060
"Wir sind uns selbst noch immer ein Rätsel und entfernen uns immer weiter vom Paradies, wenn wir vergessen, welche Bedeutung die Natur für uns hat." E.O.Wilson
herzig die kleinen pi's!
lg melanie
IGL 176
Very nice!! So funny; when I got pi in 2003 no one wanted them AT ALL. But now....
I have Betta pi ..and right now I have 3 spawns growing..I find it easy to keep and breed and it is a really nice peaceful fish..i can recommend it warmly.
I have some pictures of spawning pi here:
http://home19.inet.tele.dk/torbens_side ... epage2.htm
best wishes to betta fans
torben l
Hei Torben; nice to see you here as well! Good to hear your pi breedings still go well and I agree; easy fish that are lots of fun to keep and breed.
Hoi Stefan
I would say I have 200+ pi in various sizes ..If anyone "south of the border " is interested maybe we could find something out..Andrea knows I'm VERY VERY interested in patoti.
Best wishes