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Channa gachua male or female ?

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Beigetreten: Vor 18 Jahren
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Sorry, I don't speak a word of German :oops:

I have a Channa gachua and I'd like to know his ou her sex.


Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 23 Jahren
Beiträge: 1803

Welcome to the Channaholics world! :lol:

Basically it is not so easy to sex them. As I can see from your picture you look like as if you had already several websites of the latest Channa fashion. Or is is accident that you have photographed it in the topview?

Well, I would say, that this looks like a male.
Do you have more Channa gachua or is this the only one.
What is the background of you question?

o=C o=C

Regards, chk

>===:{ } >=:]
IGL 103

pascal antler
Honorable Member
Beigetreten: Vor 23 Jahren
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Where do you come from???
It is allways nice to have some of another country on board!!!

Thank you for visiting!!

About your gachua:

I would say the body belongs to a male.............

Not only because of the head shape...........looks a little bit like two bubbles at each side....!
But also because of the brighter coloration of the Tail fin!!!
Females normaly dont`T show the extremely redish colour!!
It is often more pale.........

But as allways:

It is only a trend we can looking for..........and so it is a guess!

But if you are looking for another mate,to find a couple,then it is no matter of which sex your fish is!!!
It is nearly impossible to find an exact opposite fish to the one you have.....

It is allway better to start with a small juvenile group of the couples can find themselves!!!


K. de Leuw
Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 19 Jahren
Beiträge: 2034

It is allway better to start with a small juvenile group of the couples can find themselves!!!



it doesn´t matter, that you speak no german, I can´t speak english, too ;-)

I think, it might be a male, too, but don´t trust the color on photographs.

Two times I lost one fish of a pair, one time the male, the other time the female. Both times I tried find an opposite of them, and got new pairs. It ist not easy, and both fisches have to be of an similar size. You have to put the smaller fish into the tank with many hiding places at first, then wait for a week or more. Them put the bigger one in he tank and look for them for the whole weekend. If there will be no fight, you will haver won!


New Member
Beigetreten: Vor 18 Jahren
Beiträge: 4


Where do you come from???
It is allways nice to have some of another country on board!!!

Thank you for visiting!!

But if you are looking for another mate,to find a couple,then it is no matter of which sex your fish is!!!
It is nearly impossible to find an exact opposite fish to the one you have.....

It is allway better to start with a small juvenile group of the couples can find themselves!!!


Hello !

I live in Paris, France :)

About my gachua, I have this fish for two years now and I wondered if I keep him and offer him a mate or if I sell him. So, this is the purpose of my question.

I know that beacause he is adult now, find a mate will be extremely difficult and hasardous. If someone here has a female adult, I'd like to try (he is in a 360 L with SA Cichlids) if not and someone want it, I can "sell" him the price of the shipping fees.

New Member
Beigetreten: Vor 18 Jahren
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Two times I lost one fish of a pair, one time the male, the other time the female. Both times I tried find an opposite of them, and got new pairs. It ist not easy, and both fisches have to be of an similar size. You have to put the smaller fish into the tank with many hiding places at first, then wait for a week or more. Them put the bigger one in he tank and look for them for the whole weekend. If there will be no fight, you will haver won!


The problem now is to find an adult female and try ! :)

Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 23 Jahren
Beiträge: 1803

Hello Aerandil,

my suggestions:
1.) Get you a large tank with a lot of shelters
2.) Make a short trip with a cheap planeticket to Zurich to pickup some semiadult females at my place
3.) Enjoy the sceneries of Zurich mountain, the lake as well as my filthy Channa tanks
4.) Hop back to Paris
5.) Put them with the male together in the tank

Lately, I had made such an experiment. After 24 hours, I had couple.

Regards, chk

>===:{ } >=:]
IGL 103

Noble Member
Beigetreten: Vor 13 Jahren
Beiträge: 1413

Good morning!

Orrrrrrrr - you to meet in the middle. That would then be Iserlohn. You, Christian will be there anyway und you, Aerandil, could meet loads of nice people and get your females.

It's just a suggestion - what do you think?


New Member
Beigetreten: Vor 18 Jahren
Beiträge: 4

I have no car :'(

A friend of mine goes to Iserlohn but I'm not sure he want to bring me the Channas ^^ He lives in Mutzig (Notho).

Wait and see ;)
