hi all, I'm a new player from Malaysia, currently playing with betta and parosphromenus, wish to learn more from you all
hallo alle, ich bin aus malaysia neuen, halten betta und prachtguramis, wollte von hier lernen
(appologize für den grammatischen Fehler, Wunsch, Ihre Sprache zu lernen/sorry for the grammatical error, wish to learn more of your language)
C Way
Welcome C.Way,
we are always glad to have new people from Asia on our site. Asia is the major home of our fishes.
To simplify communication and information exchange we newly opened an English speaking thread for all kinds of fishes.
It is moderated by a near mothertoung English person.
You are also free to post into the species threads, but it could be that the German answers are the major posts.
... so far in respect to administrative stuff
May I guess which kind of fish you are interested in?
I guess either Betta or Parosphronemus, right?
I wish I was wrong and you like Channa the most.
.... so far in respect to wishful thinking
Have fun
Regards, chk a.k.a. webmaster
>===:{ } >=:]
IGL 103
thanks for the welcome, it is interesting to learn how to keep fish from you all, I will try to learn Deutsch in order to understand what is posted
Your guess are right, I am into betta and parosphromenus, also into channa as well, but due to the requirement of big tank for channa, I keep the babies and give away when they grow bigger
C Way
Hello, and welcome !!
Do you cach your fish by yourself, or do you buy them at shops ?
Information about biotopes of our fish from first hand would be great.
Regards Brucki
asiatica/bleheri/limbata "TH3/02"/ cf. gachua "Glaser harcourtbutleri"/lucius/orientalis "Kottawa Forrest A"/orientalis "Bentota Ganga"/stewartii "sp. himalaya"/stewartii "Aqua Global"/ stewartii "sp. ?"/ sp. "Assam" lal cheng/pulchra/sp."Redfin"/Parachanna obscura
IGL 023
Hello, and welcome !!
Do you cach your fish by yourself, or do you buy them at shops ?
Information about biotopes of our fish from first hand would be great.
Regards Brucki
For betta and parosphromenus, I get from hobbyists, some were wild caught while some were privately imported, but locality is not disclosed with the reason of "protecting" the habitat, but information like surrounding, water parameter was sufficiently given
as for channa, I catch Channa Striata and Channa Lucius fries once in a while, whereas for other local species, I buy from fish shop
C Way
Hi C. Way,
whenever you want to know sth. about Channa write them in English in the English-Speaking thread. All our knowledge will be translated to English for you there. I take care for that.
Regards, chk
PS: For the other genera I can not tell, since I am only Channa working group head.
>===:{ } >=:]
IGL 103
got it, thanks
verstaden, danke
C Way