They might have those yes though it's not a defining character: I've had livida and coccina with both pointed and rounded caudals, which where brothers.... My adult pinguis has a more pointed caudal where the young male doesn't have one yet. the fish I've seen here are also young ones - about the size of my young ones.
Hi Stefan!
Did you find out where Linke get his "breviobesus"? perhaps they are all from the sam Importeur? And we could find out the "Fundort"!
Grüsselchen Christian
IGL 492
Don't know; he either caught them or got them form Glaser, is my guess.... I know the Fundort of Linke's fish: Kapuas.
Where can I find those photos of wild from your banner at the bottom of your posts?
hi stefan!
you can click on the picture and you'll get to the homepage of the GBC (german betta club)
if you get a membership, you can use their signature.
lg deni
Oh don't need to use their signature, but would like to see the wilds photos in their original format and size
good morning!
maybe the pics are on their homepage or christian (rocketeer666) can ask for you.
lg deni
I think there is only one foto of a wild (coccina or livida?). The fotos are made by Laura (Plantella), I ask for you!
Grüsselchen Christian
IGL 492
Danke schon!