Internationale Gemeinschaft für Labyrinthfische e.V.

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Trusted Member
Beigetreten: März 9, 2006
Themen: 0 / Antworten: 65
RE: Betta ideii

Zahar, I am deeply impressed by your photos I wish I could do the same wonderful way as you can Can you please tell how you made those (I know, yo...

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: Betta ideii

First, apologise me for this very, very ate reply. I forgot about this thread and the computer was out of commission for some times. At the moment, t...

Vor 18 Jahren
Vor 18 Jahren
Replies: 7
Views: 6504
RE: Betta tussyae "Kuantan"

A male fish from Chukai but not the same swamp as Stefan's. Photo taken immediately after capture.

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: Offene Paro-Fotogalerie

The fishes came from a friend in Sarawak. Batang Kayan is a river near Lundu town, at the western part of Sarawak (you xcan check this out : ). I was ...

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: Offene Paro-Fotogalerie

Paros sp "Batang Kayan". ... or is it P allani?

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: Betta pallifina

Some photos.. The fry.

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: betta pi infos

Can we see the photo for comparison?

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: betta pi infos

Zahar, their caudal fin does not different from the Thai fish I had, actually. I see. BTW the fishes were collected in Terengganu (Malaysia), th...

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: betta pi infos

The "pi" mark is more prominent in female due to lighter body colouration (very faint in male). I agree the caudal fin may look different but the fis...

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: betta pi infos

Following Torben's advice, I increased the pH to 4.5 (from 3.9 previously) and darkened the tank further. Surely enough, it worked. Here's some photos...

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: betta pi infos

Thanks. I'll see what I can do.

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: betta pi infos

Hi, My Betta pi pair has spawned 5 times but is still unable to produce any fry. Any advice? pH at 3.9, kH and dH very low (not measured actually)....

Vor 18 Jahren
RE: geschlechter bei fusca??? (fotos)

I concur. The 1st, 2nd, 4th and 8th photos are showing female(s).

Vor 19 Jahren
RE: Parosphromenus biotopes

Alfred Waser had been in Sarawak with Michael Lo last year. Check this out

Vor 19 Jahren
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