It is over a year ago and i am wondering if the first results are there? I do not have send any species to them, but when after the first year no sing...
I did see at the pictures of helene that the males have a second blue line in the caudal. None of mine fish have that. Thanks for the reply.
All the fish are too much the same in my opinion. I believe that i have only females
Hallo Thomas, Ich habe keine Fundort von die fische. Die Tiere habe sind von die Importeur Ruinemans. Das ist ein Holländische Importeur. Viele Grüs...
Peter, I have the dead fish still in the freezer. And about the picture at night: I looked several nights, but never see a single fish. That makes i...
Thanks Peter and Martin, I think i have males and females. From the 6 I buy 1 was ill, and died yesterday evening. Because i don't have alcohol, i fr...
In a fish-store in the south of Netherlands i found this species: Have anybody a idea what species this is? I know that the picture is not very goo...
Zur Zeit halten m.W. vier Leute in Europa deissneri; du könntest der fünfte sein. Die vier sind: Günter Kopic (seine alten Tiere und wenige Nachzucht ...
Water with a higher GH, are not always better. Clean salt do nothing with the GH, only with the conductivitie. Maybe that is why Paros have troubles w...
There are 6 fry in the foto-box now There are 6 days between spawning and hatch. Is that normal or is that because of the low temperature?
My deissneri have spawned last tuesday. I see 10 egs, but mayby i have don't see them all. The displaying was started at mondayevening, and when i com...
I have send the pictures to CHK, at 26-10. He promise to put them in the gallery as quick as possible. My P. deissneri have spawn last tuesday, bu...
Here a new picture from the oldest male: I will sent them to the webmaster. That's CHK, or i'm wrong?
Since yesterday are swimming the real P. deisneri in my tank. Here are a few pictures from my 2 males: The "little" male. He don't have all the col...
Hi Karen, My pair is only swimming around, not much (breeding) activety. The other ornaticauda are together whit filamentosus, and only swim and ea...