I've had a P. sumatranus pair that cared for their brood together. See my message dd April 9, 2006 : http://www.igl-home.de/forum/phpBB...
Chris, I recognize your situation with the P. ornaticauda very well. Although I have a few more juveniles that made it (a total of 6 so far), many doz...
Ich würde sagen, daß es nicht ausschließlich an der Keimarmut liegt, ob Jungfische aufkommen I think you're right Thomas. However, P. ornaticauda m...
My linkei males have 4 iridescent red dots right under the characteristic midline spot. You can see the dots vaguely on this picture, http://www...
After a spawning today, I immediately moved the female to another tank. Hopefully, the results of this spawning will give some insight on the role of ...
I agree Martin, P. ornaticauda is different from other Paros in several aspects, and we seem to raise some young mainly by luck, not by knowledge. ...
Thank you for your kind thought Peter! Luckily, I have 3 more ornaticauda males. I've raised 5 ornaticauda juveniles so far, large enough to be no ...
If I remember correctly, Peter once wondered if a P. ornaticauda male could accidently crash, as a result of the remarkable speed and sudden turns, wh...
Thomas, if you like to try this, you should go ahead! And sure, I'm interested in the results. But..... (here come Karen's critical notes again):...
Peter wrote: die Salzgeschichte wirft bei mir auch noch weitere Fragen auf. Heißt das in der Praxis, dass wir durch eine (leichte, wie leicht?) Salzz...
Hi Bennie, It's not easy to see, but I think these juveniles have normal eyes (not enlarged, as you wrote in the topic 'Fehler und Krankheiten')? ...
Correct, the paludicola that Bennie and Chris got from me were really small. My guess would be that at that time they were circa 1,5 cm. The ones that...
Hi Bennie, My paludicola young are also circa 2 centimeter now, maybe 2,5 cm. When your paludicola continues to grow, even though it's slowly, I ...
Ist das Becken (25l) für die sechs Jungen paludicola zu klein? No, that is not too small for them, in my opinion. @Karen: Hast du deine jungen in gr...
Can I be pig-headed (naseweis) once more, please ;-)? I have my doubts if 'Keimarmut' - in general - is a key factor to succesfully breeding Parosp...